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Old 05-30-17, 09:35 PM   #141
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
Do you mean these? The OTC would have nothing to do with airplane or any ship AI behavior, or equipment load-out. It almost sounds like you've got a bad case of "mod soup", but not the slow roasted, flavorful kind that Bleiente mixed up for us all. I'd try first to de-activate all mods, and then clean out the SH4 Save folder in My Documents. You will lose all campaign files though, so do it when you're finished with a career. When you start the stock game back up, you'll have to re-set your audio and video the way you want them. Exit the game again, and activate the Bleiente Ralles Mod Soup. Be sure to include his "hot fix". Try the game again. Since his version is based on TMO / RSRDC, there should be little difference in the plane or DD behavior. If anything, they are more perniciously persistent... ("wow" say the college grads). If nothing else, Bleiente will be along and comment about his AI mix...
If I well remember, OTC does modify air traffic and loadouts as described in the "readme"

About that, my last Bleiente mod pack installation was from a complete SH4 restored installation files using the SH4CMS. After setting up video and audio. Then as you mentioned it, activated Beleinte's pack with the corresponding OTC patch. So I was just trying to confirm if what I'm seeing (at least with the aircraft) is somehow normal
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