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Old 05-19-17, 12:31 PM   #6504
Grey Wolf
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Theresa May and Ruth Davidson launch the Scottish Conservative manifesto:

Election 2017: May and Davidson promise to stand up to SNP

Due to devolution, the SCons are pitching themselves somewhat differently from the main UK Party:

At-a-glance: Scottish Conservative manifesto

Key points from the Scottish Conservative manifesto

  • In education the manifesto says there should be a review of the national curriculum in Scottish schools - Curriculum for Excellence.
  • On energy, the party says it would give "support" to the shale gas industry in Scotland.
  • In local government, the document backs the idea of directly elected "provosts for cities, councils or regions in Scotland who could drive economic policy".
  • On tax, it would "press the Scottish government to raise the threshold for the higher rate of income tax to £50,000.
  • In the field of transport the party supports a "Road Maintenance Fund in Scotland, inviting local authorities to bid for money to fix potholes".
  • On welfare, the Conservatives want to protect universal Winter Fuel Payments for all older people, with no means-testing in Scotland, unlike the policy for England.
  • And the party wants to see 100,000 homes built in Scotland over the next five years.
However, why didn't they come out with this at the Holyrood election last year? To implement some of this they have to be the biggest party in the Scottish Parliament.....

"I am the battleship Jean Bart. This name originates from a certain 'respected' privateer... Yes? You want to know what privateers are? Hmph, they are pirates that rob openly under the banner of their country."

Jean Bart from the mobile game Azur Lane.
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