Thread: SH4 re-install?
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Old 05-15-17, 04:44 PM   #5
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I have always had extreme respect, (and jealousy), for the modding community. a lot of excellent work. a lot of great ideas.

my problem came up from pdf instruction illustrations, page 2, where both of the directories are labled: 'Silent Hunter Wolves of the Pacific.' (which is what my SH4 uses as default directory name).

Everything seemed to work under SH4cms.

But then ran into some other oddities;
MultiSH4: entered 'RFB', but got os errors and wouldn't allow changes.

LargeAddressAware: worked, anyway it said it did. however, the window box size wouldn't drag larger. the 'save' button had just enough visablity to be clicked.

JSGME: never had any problems with this before, (talking 10 years ago), And last couple of days of experimenting. now, starting the program, it couldn't find it's 'ini' file. It seemed to worked, but I had to use 'task manager' to close it. I had the install file and tried installing it, but again, it couldn't find it's 'ini' file and again had to close it with 'task manager'. However: it saw rfb files and seemed to load them. I spent last few hours testing the program and seems to be working. However: I just thought of, I didn't run the new JSGME thru LAA, does that matter?

thanks again for all your work and i loved this statement: "You are getting your game out from under the domain of Microsoft watchdogs who allow malware to run rampant while they cripple your efforts to use your own machine"......

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