Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 05-13-17, 06:43 AM   #4560
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
So they do eight versions of the equipment......
No, there are four Anti Aircraft/weapon slots:


Which means there are 4 possible locations on the ship that have Anti Aircraft positions........ (that should always be verified, by looking at the .dat file of the ship and see if their properly placed).

[Equipment 1]

[Equipment 2]
The A01 position has nothing in it at the start of the war....The "NULL" in the "Linkname=" states so. By December 31, 1942 this "ends" the weapons omission. By January 1, 1943 (the following day) the 20mm Oerlikon is put into the position......."LinkName=20mm_Single_base_US", and it sits there to the end of the war. Well, in this case it's there until December 31, 1944. Which brings up a question.......Does this ship stop existing on this date? December 31, 1944? If it doesn't, that date is in error. The ship exists into 1945 yet there's no AA gun at the A01 position after this date?? Doesn't make sense. Somebody made a Boo Boo!

Two things about dates. They should be correct in their date of September 31st and the like. And, the "change" from having no weapons on one date, to having one on the next, needs to be without a gap in time. You go from August 4, 1943 to August 5, 1943 without a gap in time.

Also, when looking at these kinds of files....make certain the [Xxxxxxx 1] (In this file their called the [Equipment 1] headings) are in "order". You have eight [Equipment ?] entries in your file. Make sure they follow an order......[Equipment 1], [Equipment 2], [Equipment 3] and so on.

There's nothing out of wack with what's written here.

Where the issue probably lies is in the 37mmDouble gun itself. Look in the Library/ShipParts/ folder and track down the 37mmDouble gun and see what it points to for a crew.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"

Last edited by CapnScurvy; 05-13-17 at 07:06 AM.
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