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Old 03-22-17, 12:08 PM   #27
Machinist's Mate
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General question about how "closely" the enemy spawns match historical events.

As an example: in my Yank career (starated in Cavite in a Sargo and now in a Gar out of Brisbane), I've just arrived at the patrol area for my 5th or 6th patrol, northwest of Bourgainville Island (north of the strait separating the Rabaul cluster on the west and the other Solomons on the east).

I'm aware that, in a few days, there are about to be some very famous and interesting battles down southeast near Guadalcanal. Most notably:

7 Aug: U.S. landings on Guadalcanal begin
August 8-9, 1942: Japanese battleships attack the American fleet.

August 20, 1942
Nineteen Wildcat fighters and twelve Dauntless dive bombers arrive at Henderson Field.
August 21, 1942
General Ichiki orders the first attempt to retake Henderson Field.
August 21, 1942
General Ichiki commits ritual suicide.
September 12, 1942
Japanese attack Henderson again but fail losing 1200 men, the Americans only lose 446.
October 11-12,1942
Japanese cruisers Furutaka and Fabuki are destroyed.
October 13, 1942
Japanese battleships Kongo and Haruna shell Marine positions at Henderson Field.
October 14, 1942
Japanese cruisers Chokai and Kinugasa bombard the Marines.
October 24-25, 1942
Battle for Henderson Field.
October 26, 1942
Battle of Santa Cruz Islands.
November 12-15 , 1942
Naval battle for Guadalcanal. Japanese lose battleships Hiei, Kirishishima heavy cruisers Kinguagasa, three destroyers and seven transports. American loses heavy cruisers Atlanta, San Francisco, light cruisers Juneau, and seven destroyers. Japanese heavy cruisers Suzuya and Maya.
etc., etc. all the way through eventual Japanese withdrawal in I believe Feb of '43 . . .

How much trouble is it worth to try to be "on scene" to try to get involved in any of these battles?

So far, I have not been impressed with how easy or clearcut it is to get involved in famous historical battles in a career campaign, even when the game is giving me signals that that battle is about to take place, and/or is taking place, and subsequently more messages that it took place.

More than once, I've been smack in the middle of the general region where the Japanese carrier TF should have been during Battle of Midway. I saw crap tons of planes behaving in ways that convinced me I could follow their trajectories to find me an aircraft carrier kill . . . but to no avail. I must've spent 10 hours of game play and nearly a full week in game trying to hone in on Kido Butai and save VT-8, etc. from the carnage, but . . . nope. No dice.

So tell me: is there any point at all in trying to participate in historical battles in a career campaign in this game?
You would make a ship sail against the wind and currents by lighting a bonfire under her decks? I pray you excuse me. I have no time to listen to such nonsense.
-attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte (probably paraphrased from Les Merveilles de la science)
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