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Old 03-06-17, 03:48 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
German "Manager Magazin" reports that in 2016 the number of millionaires leaving germany and giving up citizenship, has grown by a factor of 4, compared to 2015. 4000 millionaires letf Germany 2016, in 2015 it were 1000, and in the years before that it was a number in the low hundreds.

In France, the numbers are even worse, it leads the European nations in fleeing milionaires. 12 thousand have left France and turned their backs on French citizen ship in 2016. Asked why they do, the answers focussed on "tensions due to foreign religions" (why pluiral? Everybody knows it is just one certain religion causing troubles, and that is not the Krishna sectarians...), and fears of financial disaster in Europe.
All religions can, at any point in their history be divided into four segments:

I. "Murderous Fanatics:" Those who engage in murderous violence in the name of their religion.
II. "Accessory Fanatics:" Those who are accessories to crimes of segment I by assisting them in some way.
III. "Complacent Faithful:" Those who do not directly assist segment I, but also do not oppose their actions, and are willing (when queried) to admit that they support the murderous or otherwise authoritarian repression actions in the name of the religion.
IV. "Innocent Faithful:" Those who do not directly assist segment I, and are also not in anyway in favor of violence or oppression in the name of the religion.

At any given time in its history, the proportions in each of these segments might range between 0 and 100%. In Europe in the 1400s, many "Christians" were among segment I and the breakdown might have looked like this:
I. 10%
II. 20%
III. 30%
IV. 40%

The problem we face is one of understanding the contemporary breakdown for any religion in which there have been any religiously condoned acts of violence in recent times. The follow on task is to understand how large a risk any particular breakdown poses for a society.

The 911 attacks against the U.S.

killed 2,996 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least $10 billion in property and infrastructure damage[2][3] and $3 trillion in total costs"
. . . caused long-term health issues for tens of thousands and early death (for example cancers among first responders who were exposed to the toxic cloud that engulfed the murder site) for thousands

This operation was conducted by a mere 19 elite operatives, who had been on long-term sleeper assignment in the U.S. Their support and funding came from overseas and was a small and decentralized entity that is often identified as "Al Qaeda," which is really just the most proximal aspect of a pan-national Sunni Islamic supremacist movement that is common to a number of Wahhabist sects that are prevalent in Saudi Arabia and other Arab states and which are among the most prolific and deadly exporters of Fourth Generation Warfare. "Islamic State" is another subsidiary of this poorly understood, dynamic, chimeric, global criminal organization.

911 was carried out by 19 well-educated Islamic men who had taken the time to gain lawful entrance and residence in the U.S. in 1999-2000 and who did a good job of not breaking the law while they implemented the plan they had been sent here to carry out. Of all religions, Islam is one of the most explicit in adulating crypsis and surprise in warfare. I think it is safe to assume that, in a pool of a couple million people who have been allowed to enter a European nation undocumented, there are plenty of would-be 911 operatives who are highly motivated to achieve similar fame and martyrdom.

Of course, law enforcement is different today than it was in 2000-2001 and hopefully that alone is enough to thwart most would-be Islamic supremacist inspired killing sprees from achieving any success.
You would make a ship sail against the wind and currents by lighting a bonfire under her decks? I pray you excuse me. I have no time to listen to such nonsense.
-attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte (probably paraphrased from Les Merveilles de la science)
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