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Old 03-03-17, 12:12 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins View Post
Not wrong. Your EULA gives Microsoft full rights to every file on your machine to do with what they want, including deletion, collection for "evidence" and modification. Running the software is your consent to that agreement. Since the files are compacted and encrypted before they are sent to Microsoft you have no way of telling what information they collect or what they do with it.

Your only option is to blacklist all Microsoft telemetry servers, and there are dozens of them, changing periodically like criminals do, to different "safe houses." In addition, Windows ignores your wishes and bypasses the HOSTS file when sending the packets of info to their home servers.

Windows 10 would have been identified as a Trojan and eliminated by MSE two years ago. Now your operating system IS a Trojan. Even if Microsoft were totally on the level, criminals, by hooking Microsoft's spyware system can operate totally undetected and undetectable on your machine. This is precisely what cost Sony billions of dollars in their infamous Rootkit Scandal. It's wrong. It's Microsoft. What was once a crime is now virtue.
Having been a computer repair guy for--well--25+ years, I approve this message.
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