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Old 02-28-17, 04:04 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by ValoWay View Post
The media has to stop giving racist nationalists a platform!

Just because the media reports more often now about scum like this doesn't mean things are any different than they were before. It is not the first time that there was a wave of Muslim refugees and immigrants in Germany. The first generation, those which were not born in Germany, will have a hard time to adapt to local lifestyle and culture but as soon as the as their children, the 2nd generation, are born and start to enter public schools the assimilation process will become drastic and apparent. Yes, it also means more reports of juvenile delinquency and racism for about a decade but that will eventually disappear.

I have studied this topic at university and think the main reason why the German government decided to take so many refugees was to guarantee the longevity of the German healthcare, retirement and pension system. It is a proven scientific fact that Germany desperately needs higher birthrates to upkeep the system which is more than likely the reason why they did it.

If you are a nationalists I suggest to think twice before you throw out everything that's foreign, cause it might pay for your rent once you're old and unable to work..

Children with a foreign background in German elementary schools are barely distinguishable from kids with native ancestors nowadays. The media simply has to stop fearmongering and stop acting like everything that happens was new and exclusive so that they can sell more copies..
Excellent post, thanks.

"The media has to stop giving racist nationalists a platform!"

This is the problem. The neutral/common sense people think they have to give this scum a platform "because democracy" and "can't we all live together". But they do not play by the same rules.
As soon as you let them do their thing you will only hear of them, while the normal media will enter shock state and look stunned at what is happening.
Time to take a more aggressive stance, and not just "let it happen".

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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