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Old 02-21-17, 11:50 AM   #62
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Globalized free trade also can have massive social and financial costs. its not just gains for everybody. Several studies have showed that over the past couple of years. Free trade can cause - and does cause - distortions in the social/communal/cultural structre of different societies that balance , sometimes completely counter the gains. Its not all just shine and roses. Like currency unions only have a chance to work for some time if all participants are on a comparing economic and financial performance level (which in the Eurozone is not the case, that is why it is such a spectacular disaster) , global free trade must be put in question because it ignores that the various zones participating in it are of very different development, skill and performance standards. these difference do not get neutralised by just having free trade - they get instead accentuated and by this strengthened.

Criticism of CETA, TIP and TTIP by demonstrating grassroot activists and organizations, ist to a prominent degree right about this.

Free movement was never something I signed in for to the degree the concept is propagated today. Local, native populations of a region, a country that they call home - another of these uncomfrotable "identity" things - have all right there could be to refuse foreigners permission to roam in their home land or cross the border at will. I have repeatedly argued that for this very reason i strictly oppose the genral universla right for asylum as it is claimed today. It is a violation of most profound human rights of already residing, native populations of a place.

You are free to move at your will only where you travel land that is not beign claimed and is not used and lived on by already existring human settlers and communities. How often must I repeat this? Foreigners have no claim for life in our country. Not. At. All. All they are allowed to, is to ask. And we are free to say Yes or No, and to ask them what they could contribute to us in return for being allowed to stay.Exotic folk dancing and selling flowers in the streets are not what would make me change my mind. And last but not least, I demand foreigners to be able to support themselves. In germany, this demand alone already turns me into a heartless monster and a Nazi.

After all, it is this free movement right that causes plenty of growing uncomfort and unrest amongst European population. The probolem is less the German worker working across the danish border, or the Dutch coming over the day to aGerman border town, but the many foreigners from beyond Europe that abuse this to just freely roam across Europe as they like, as if they would call this palce theirs.
You can think of this any way you want, Catfish, but one thign you cannot deny: these things happening today in extremis have caused plenty of unrest, anger, hostility, and growing discomfort amongst native populations. It has had tremedous effect in forming up those critical moveemnts that today get in generally defamed as "populists".

I hinted one posting above at why there is this growing resitence. I also have pointed at that the same happened at the end of the first Roman republic, which led to the establishing of the imperial order and the military dictatorship it effectively was.

Push a dog into the conrer and beat and kick it, and it starts to bite back. Tell Europeans that they have to identifxy themserlves with foreigners more than with their own historically grown tarditions, and you will hit resistence and declining loyalty and obedience. Continue with it, and sooner or later you get anarchy, and civil war. Its just atural, almost reasonable. Force a living beign to act against its own nature, even its own right - and dont wonder if it does not only turn stubborn, but sooner or later attacks you.

From some status of erosion and anarchy on, people may become so desperate, and thankful for any promise of law and order and stability, that they will accept just any villain or hero, gangster or paladin who gives them that. So that happened in Rome. And it is easy to see that the same most likely will happen in Europe in this century again.

Multiculti, tolerance, freedom, peace and humanist values will be lost then. If you want to keep them, stop pressing people to act like the EU wants them to act. The problem is not the people so much. The problem is that the EU does not understand that what it wants to be causes this anger and growing resistence. The EU is fantasizing itself to death.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 02-21-17 at 12:00 PM.
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