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Old 02-21-17, 02:39 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
[...] If the US unilaterally withdraws from Europe and goes into pre-WWI mode, then there's two options, either the EU gets strong enough to stand on its own two feet, or it falls under Russian SOI..
Which is amongst other things like science and ERASMUS, why we thank England so much for the 'brexit'. The EU was about to create a combined military force, when suddenly national movements decided they were stronger alone.
The EU may be corrupt and incapable in some aspects (something that of course never happens within national governments lmao), but don't get me started what it would be like with isolated nationalistic states again.

England has alway had some interest on the continent, and if it was only to try to prevent a union or continental states working together. "Divide et impera". But now England would not profit from it, regardless what types like Farage and his ilk purport.

There is international trade and globalisation, stock exchange and money-lending taking place across the world in seconds, and the financial center is in London, with Frankfurt at the second position. There is of course also a lot of illegal money, but the main thing is that London profits from the European federal bank EZB to pump money into the market. As soon as this stops, the whole financial bubble will burst.
Which is maybe not even a bad thing, but England will anything but profit from that scenario.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.

Last edited by Catfish; 02-21-17 at 02:51 AM.
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