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Old 02-18-17, 05:13 PM   #17
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You really believe that superficial simplicty called "official inflation" statistics, eh? Please tell me you don't.

You increase the ammount of money in circulation day in day out, and you have no inflation. Sure. With every credit taken by somebody, banks created new "money" from nothing. But that is no inflation. Sure. The ECB accepting even the most toxic of waste papers as securities, giving out new money for them in return. But no inflation. Sure.

What you have, is clever abuse of statistics and suggestive catch phrases to hide the inflation. What you have, is delay of insolvency.

Its been lioke this excessively since the past coupld of years. But in principle it has been like this since decades. The D-Mark had lost over 80% of its buying power when it was replaced by the Euro - so much for "stable currency". The Dollar today has I think less than 2% of the buying power it had at the end of the civil war. But it is called a solid currency.

Stop believe the textbook propaganda. I instead recommend to you Roland Baader: the books Geldsozialismus, Kreide für den Wolf, Die betrogene Generation, or Christoph Braunschweig: Wohlfahrtsstaat - Leb Wohl!, Die demokratische Krankheit; or Weik & Friedrich: Der größte Raubzug der Geschichte, or Detlef Schlichter: Das Ende des Scheins, and of course anything by Alfred Hayek or Ludwig von Mises.

Its nice you pay little interest rates. But if you think the money in general has more value because of that and that there is no damage down to the whole system, then you just do not look far enough. Look beyond your garden's close horizon. BTW, as long as a single rate sitll is left, it is not your house, but the bank's house. You signed that at the vey beginning of it all.

Artifically talked down interest rates so that people can buy houses who actually could not afford it - wasn't that at the beginning of the mortgage crisis in the US 15 years ago? If money would be so valuable as you say that there is no inflation - how comes that the stiockmarket is overheated (or do you believe the real economy has grown in real absolute worth by several factors within the past 15 years...? )

You could as well say there is no manipulation of the gold price. If the gold price would not be manipulated and would be allowed to move freely, it would be somehwhere between 2500 and 4000 by now, I estimate. If not even higher. Beeing seen as the clasiscal alarmometer, politics, governments and central banks cannot afford to let the gold price freely express the devaluation of paper money, it would bring the globe to a total and complete collapse immediately. The illusion must be supported. No. Matter. What.

QE - Quantitative Easing - is nothing else but artificially boosted inflation.

“Die Politik kann die ökonomischen Gesetze nicht außer Kraft setzen, aber sie kann so tun, als ob sie dazu in der Lage wäre. Leider dauert es eine ganze Weile, bis diese Täuschung ihre jeweils desaströsen Wirkungen voll entfaltet und damit offensichtlich wird. Bis dahin ist dann eine neue Generation an Wählern herangewachsen, der man den Bären vom Primat der Politik erneut aufbinden kann.” - Roland Baader.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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