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Old 02-13-17, 01:39 PM   #5
Join Date: Jan 2016
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Please. Remove question: Engage (ship spoted)? Please Add Radar/hydrophone/sonar station. Add simply navigation map. easy to navigate on the map. drawing trajectory target and angles wyznaczajacychh goal. MANUAL TDC ! I want Silent Hunter 4. And... ships sinking... time sinking to fast and model sinking. He broke in half, sinking the bow or the stern ... as it is generally goes down and it is within five seconds. randomness greater depth the explosion depth charges. First impression? As I wrote ... disaster! Crash Dive with worse graphics. But I do not regret the money spent. I look forward to updating the game to come closer to our beloved simulator PC. I recommend everyone to invest and support the authors. Silent Hunter 3 at the beginning it was hopeless. Only fashion made him a real simulator. Similarly, with 4 and 5 częscią. News about update accelerated my heartbeat and hope XD His way. Thank you for the good job you are doing. Best wishes. As beta testers need to write to Im sorry i now. My english poor XD

Last edited by seba999; 02-13-17 at 04:00 PM.
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