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Old 02-07-17, 03:34 PM   #1536
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
And do you know the best thing, August?

This is just the beginning. We're not even three weeks into Trumps presidency...just think of all of the things you're going to be defending in the future! Because this isn't going away, the liberal left aren't going to just roll over and die like the right might hope that they will...sure, the Democrat party seems to have died, but their supporters haven't, and they will protest, and they will lobby, they will run news stories and every time Donald Trump opens his mouth and puts his foot in it, or rage tweets at 2am, he will just give them more and more ammunition to use against the right. Every gaffe, every goof, every flippant remark from Spicer, Conway, Pence or Bannon will be retweeted, reblogged and run on SNL. You can hide in Fox News, you can pretend that it's all just fake news and liberal whinging...but it won't go away, just like Hillarys emails, just like Benghazi, it'll sit there and it will fester.
Enjoy it, because there's at least four more years of it to go, and there's no way to stop it because any news article you use can now be declared as 'fake news' and immediately discarded, it's one of the best plays on the field...and it works for both sides now.

The Dems will be using Tea Party tactics! The news will continue to report what they like. Nothing will get done for ANOTHER 4 years. I expect nothing less!

Protest have become the norm. Won't be long before no one really cares about the protests.
“You're painfully alive in a drugged and dying culture.”
― Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road
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