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Old 02-02-17, 01:55 PM   #259
Commander Wallace
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Originally Posted by Red October1984 View Post
Price as well. Some guns cost too much for me to justify especially if I'm going to get more than one.

You're right. But for me it comes down to what's the best weapon to effectively deter or eliminate a threat with as little effort as possible. Aiming a pistol is harder than pointing a shotgun when you're in a pinch.

Most shootings occur at distances of 11 feet or less. Legally speaking, if you shoot someone from a distance of 25 feet or greater, you will be hard pressed to show an individual was a threat to you unless they also had a gun and there was an imminent threat to your life. This is if you are to claim self defense although some states have made it easier for home owners to do just that.

Having said that, most individuals can shoot accurately at that range with a handgun with little in the way of training. Further, most assailants seeing a gun in your hand won't stick around to see how proficient you are with a handgun. It is incumbent upon any individual who incorporates the use of a firearm in the protection of their homes and families to be proficient in their use and take steps to learn how to shoot accurately not to mention how to safely secure them when not in use.

It makes sense if one is going to use a weapon to protect their home or family, to implement them as part of a well thought out and defined strategy and flexible enough to cover contingencies. This includes gathering places for family members, primary and secondary in the face of threats. It should also include ways of contacting law enforcement for assistance. Should the phone lines be cut, there should be alternate ways of doing that Thankfully, with cell phones, this isn't an issue.

As you said, the weapon you choose should be within your comfort level of utilizing it for self defense.
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