Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 01-29-17, 11:52 PM   #3652
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Hope I can squeeze in between this mission slowdown issue.

I've just come up for air, with nearly two weeks worth of time involved in getting things right. I plan to upload my work (maybe tomorrow) to the hidden Google site for incorporating into the next FOTRS Ultimate release.

Some time ago, this issue was noted:

Originally Posted by jldjs View Post
Testing with .52
Upon returning to Freemantle, 9/3/1943 from photo recon of Surabaya, I accepted the new sub upgrade (from a Gato) and got a Balao. Then I noticed I did not get a full complement of torpedoes. See screen image.

As was pointed out, jldjs found he only had 4 of the 6 forward tubes on his boat after an upgrade. Now I'm not 100% sure, but it doesn't help to have the Balao files for its torpedoes having this kind of gap in its calendar:

Notice the "default" MK14 torpedoes ends on the last day of the year 1942, when the MK23's pick up on January 2nd 1943?! Of all the things a computer can counts very well. Having gaps in time for two specific Balao torpedo tubes, during the very period of time jldjs has his upgraded issue....I think there's a connection.....and a cure coming.

It's these kinds of upgrade/refit issues I've been working on that I'm just about done with. I think you'll find a difference and happily find these issues will soon be forgotten with the game. It's my hope that when a refit or upgrade of a conning tower takes place, the transition will go smother than its been. I'm hoping upgrading from one boat to another will be without a hitch too.

The above "Crew Management" screen is how things will look (its a 1024x768 res screen image...that's why the compass is covering some of the lower AA gun slots). You're going to find most of the "slots" are filled, and you're going to have a couple of the "start out" crew have a Guns Qualification that FOTRS didn't have. And, there won't be a Watch Crew Qualification crewman sitting in the Torpedo section, or a Sensors man winding up in the Engine room. Their going to be starting in their proper place, leaving it up to you to move them if you wish.

Speaking of choices, you're going to find specific weapons will be offered, at specific times for all boats. The default Deck Gun will be the Stern 3"50 Caliber for all boats. However at specific intervals you'll be able to upgrade to a 4"50, then a 5"25....choosing either a Stern, or Bow. There are a few exceptions, the Narwhal will only have twin 4"50's; the S-Class will only have Bow mount deck guns, a choice of all three as time allows. There will be an offer to purchase the twin 5"25's after Jan. 1945 for most of the other subs. Sorry, but its impossible to get two camera's to work with the deck guns as it does with the smaller AA guns.....its a game thing, there's no script for the deck guns like there are with the two AA guns.

The smaller guns will follow the deck guns...... in that, the default weapon will be the .50 Caliber Browning for all boats (I put it on the S-Class, Start of War Conning Tower). As time allows, the 20mm's will come before the 40mm's (single and twin). These upgrades will be offered with the purchase of Renown while your in port.

As expected, filling the crew slots in the Crew Management screen is required for manning the guns:

I've added a crew of 4 to the deck guns.....a crew leader, and a loader (sorry, he's only going to stand near the breach). As this Narwhal shows, the 4"50's are manned, and the AA 20mm is out of the "hole" the stock game has it in on this early war tower. I just couldn't see shooting the heck out of the sides of the rear tower because of the low pedestal mount. I raised it up:

I also, made some different looking Ammunition for the guns. The 20mm looks different than the 40, the DG is different still. I also put Flak Burst shells in play for the 20, 40, and 5"25 DG.

You'll still have Armor Piercing, and High Explosive shells with the guns. All ammunition are color coded....... Black projectile for the AP, Green with a Red tip for HE, solid Green with a White band for the Anti-Aircraft Burst shell.

The other thing I became concerned with was that constant "Yes Sir", "Yes Sir", "Yes Sir"..... after making a command! TheBeast mentioned something the other day that put me to thinking about it. With some lengthy trial and error (there are 27 different voice "Yes Sir's" that are possible culprits) I was able to get rid of the repeat phrase. You'll hear it one time, and that's it.

Seems I've left out some things, I can't remember them now....anyway, these changes will be in our next public release.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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