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Old 01-26-17, 11:49 AM   #693
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by August View Post
Of course not, just as a certain type of Democrat acted as if George Bush (either of them) declared himself dictator for life and sent out his evil, gun-jacking nazi-dentists to take away everyone's or at least someone's freedom and rights.
Uh, yeah, don't we all remember the countless debates about any of the bush presidents want to become dictators...

And please enlighten me how my post or my views are "fanatical".
Either, you simply don't know what fanatical means, or by now you have to reflect on a whole new level to not see yourself in that accusation.
Of all the people here*, you are the resident nationalist who argues based on national pride instead of reason or - god beware - facts (maybe alternate facts?).
You are the one that told people of other nations to keep out of "American topics". You are the one who had to be reminded by Neal, who I consider very patriotic, what freedom of speech, expression and this forum is about - multiple times!

But sure, go ahead and tell me what a fanatic I am. What a joke!

*I excluded yubba because he is either just a master troll or simply a lost case, he simply doesn't matter.

Last edited by Nippelspanner; 01-26-17 at 12:07 PM.