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Old 01-16-17, 01:54 AM   #329
Sailor Steve
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Originally Posted by yubba View Post
How so,, you'd like to think that,,, care to back that up with some proof,,,
Perhaps a better term would have been that the Republican Party has shown a consistently worse record on civil rights. But wait, I said that too. And if you had actually read the article I linked you would have seen the proof.

:Yes more southern states have become republican,,, doesn't make them racist,,and yes we had our first Black democrat president if he had been conservative you'd have ran him out on a rail..,,
I would have? You seem to be a person who only sees what you want to see. If you read these forums you would have might have noticed that I am consistently Independent, falling to the Conservative or Liberal side depending on the individual issue. In those silly tests that determine if you are one or the other, I always land smack dab in the middle. In fact, it's on record here that I'm no fan of Obama, though I don't hate him as some seem to do, and those who can remember will know that I was no fan of Bush, though I didn't hate him as some seemed to. In fact, at the time Obama was elected I said that while I was glad we finally had a black President I wished he was less Liberal.

Former speaker of the house Democrat Senator Bryd was a full blown klans man
And David Duke urged his fellow KKKers to support Trump. That in itself doesn't indict Trump, but the fact that he never disavowed Duke's endorsement does. When the KKK switched parties they were instrumental in recruiting thousands of southern white voters in the GOP. This doesn't mean that all Republicans are racist, or all Democrats, or even a small part of either Party. What it means is that these things go on with both sides, and the Republican Party (not the people) has shown less interest in Civil Rights in recent years. This may be, as one writer suggested, that they became complacent and thought the battle had been won. I'm the first to admit that I don't know.

,,Hillary and then Governor Bill Clinton brought forth Confederate flag day in their home state..
As did South Carolina Governor (and Republican) Nikki Haley. John McCain was against the flag, then changed his public stance in an attempt to win Southern votes. Your point?

Only Democrats believe minorities are to stupid or lazy to get a photo ID to vote ,,,and need all sorts of their help to make it in this country that's pretty racist don't you think ???????
I agree on that one. In fact I've said so in the past.

To make it simple if you don't believe in the constitution and the founding documents,,and believe that all men are created equal by their creator ,, then probably you are a racist ,, Me believing in the sovereignty of this nation does not make me a racist.
I never said you were. That you would equate my comments on the historical stances shown by certain Party leaders as a personal attack, or a general attack on all members of that party or that way of thinking, shows your own narrow-mindedness and a lack of reading and understanding my position on these matters. There aren't too many ardent Democrats on this forum, but I've lost friends on FaceBook from both sides of the political spectrum because of my willingness to challenge both sides equally.

And after all this time,, Steve you never once told me what the end run was to be after all this liberal phooy,, what your uthopia would look like or what it would be based on ,,, ..
How would I know? I'm not a Liberal. I'm also not a lockstep hardcore Conservative either. Both sides have their bad qualities, and both have their good. It's the people who refuse to see the other side's viewpoint and at least attempt to understand it who are, in my estimation, the cause of the problem.

Almost forgot Democrats are more violent than Republicans we got to see that spectical first hand this last year didn't we and maybe we'll see some more of that liberal democrat violent behavior by the end of the week.
Again I agree. I just don't use it to try and prove that "my side is better than yours". There shouldn't be sides, but there are, and it's all the cause of people who are so convinced they're right that they are incapable of discussing the issues like adults, and trying to find workable solutions.
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