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Old 01-04-17, 11:37 AM   #36
Bigblock-Fempower 427
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Its the people electing politicians and bringing governments into power, and staying loyal, obedient, servile. So all too often the people suffer from the government what they deserve - except those who never supported the government and never legitimated it.

You are not only free to vote during an election, in the West at least. You are also to be held accountable for your vote. This is often opportunistically ignored.

You get what you vote for. You harvest as you have sown. You get shot with the crows you have choosen to fly with. No right to complain.
Oh yes, I guess we touched upon this issue years ago, and I have discussed the same with friends here, although in the beginning some balk temporarily due to the simplicity of the idea...

'Every drop of rain feel it is not responsible for the flood'

A quote I saw on the net once.

Liability(yes really) of actions, liability of choices, liability in voting. Cause and effect.

As previously mentioned, in any multiparty free democratically principled society, there is a direct trace and track of responsibility from the very voting booths right up to the current politics applied. No politician has gravitated upwards to power positions without voters cooperation and support...

True power is not an issue of quality, it is an issue of quantity.

Politicians are thrusted upwards by the critical mass of action known as public opinion. The so called majority. Majority rules, and they rule over politicians as well. Politicians yield to power, like any other rational organism. Apply enough pressure on anything that lives, and it will yield in the opposite direction, if the force is applied generously. Just look at how politicians change opinions in certain matters as public pressure increase. The option or alternative in not yielding is unthinkable for them, translated practically as removal from power.

It is that easy, the majority choose it's own destiny, sign it, and receive it. That simple. And there is no refund if the choices are grave enough. History provides loads of lessons.

Last edited by Bigblock-Fempower 427; 01-04-17 at 12:11 PM.
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