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Old 12-20-16, 02:07 PM   #10
Navy Seal
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There is an outside chance Trump could pull a Schwarzenegger; when Arnie was elected Governor of California, the CA-GOP was salivating at the chance to impose their policies on the state's population; a grand collection of initiatives was placed on the state ballot after Arnie took office with the confidence his imprimatur would sway the voters; the end result was a very, very hard slap-down by the voters and Arnie immediately sang a different tune, much to the dismay of the shattered CA-GOP. Then, again, what did the CA-GOP expect from a guy married into the Kennedy family? Farfetched this could happen with Trump? Well, remember, Trump was a Democrat originally, and he has already backtracked or modified on a few of his more popular campaign pledges (special prosecutor for Hillary, complete repeal of Obamacare, etc.) and, while he claimed he would 'drain the swamp' in DC, he seems to have been hiring on some of the 'gators as members of his team. What was that old saw? "The more things change, the more they remain the same..."...

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