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Old 12-08-16, 02:31 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by NeonSamurai View Post
The best resource you probably could find would be a book or 2 authored by a former Uboat captain.

The other issue you may find, is what the captain did on the ship, varied between captains, as some would be more hands on, and others would give orders and let the crew do most things.

Typically the captain would be the one who read the orders from command, occasionally would have to operate the enigma himself if the orders were for the captain only to read, he would control things like the periscope and TDC binoculars, he may also participate in watch shifts on the conning tower, and he mostly gave orders to the rest of the crew, such as speed, depth, heading, course plotting (sometimes he may do it personally), silent running, opening torpedo doors and firing, and pretty much everything else that happened on board ship that was important (though the XO may also handle some of this stuff too as would other junior officers).
Any book recommendations?

I've always had a problem trying to imagine a properly implemented game mechanic that would balance the play-styles of "hands-on" to "hands-off" because most players would rather micro-manage (hands-on) to maximize efficiency or avoid losing the game due to a mistake made by auto-management systems, (auto-management without mistakes would be unrealistic). If I could make any one thing perfect in this game, I would like to make both play-styles fun, intuitive and without micromanagement being a much "safer" or better option. I want it so that if a player micromanages, its because they prefer to run their U-boat that way, and not because they feel like they "have to" or it's better. And if there was a sort of tonnage score they have to beat at the end of the war/game, most would rather micromanage to have the best chance of getting that high score and not because they prefer to play that way.
Addendum: It would be interesting if more "hands on" captains in RL did better during the real WW2.

Last edited by somedude88; 12-08-16 at 02:55 PM.
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