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Old 11-22-16, 12:03 PM   #4077
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by Onkel Neal View Post
Smirk all you want, at least they report the news. See this on CNN?

You only see bias when you oppose it.
Nope, I saw this on CNN though:

And this on Breitbart:

But I guess in this new world of Post-Truth, it doesn't really matter what is said anymore, just who is saying it. And I know it's popular now to rail against the 'Lugenpress' so there's that. It's all good fun really!

Originally Posted by Bilge_Rat View Post
so are you really buying into the line that all Trump supporters are Nazis?

I have to admit, one of the most stupid line of attack that I read during the campaign was that Trump was anti-semitic. One has to be really blind to believe that, considering his closest adviser, Jared Kushner and his daughter Ivanka are both jewish.
Nope, not all of them, probably not even a majority of them if I'm honest, but Trumps rhetoric and his subsequent election has brought all the closet Nazis out and given them cause for celebration, and nothing has been done to put them back in the closet where they belong.
Do I think Trump is a fascist? No, not really, I think that he's an opportunist who will say whatever he thinks will get him votes, he will appeal to whoever he can to get views. His campaign was essentially an internet troll, and so it's little surprise that the trolls of the internet rallied around him. Now he's actually in power, I think he's starting to realise that he's written a number of cheques that he can't actually cash. Will that annoy some of his supporters? Perhaps. Certainly those who chanted "Lock Her Up!" at his rallies are going to be disappointed with his recent announcement that he won't be pursuing legal action against Clinton.
But some of his supporters, yes, yes they are fascist and it's a very sad thing that this election and this rhetoric has made them think that they are relevent again. It's not just in America, it's happening all over the western world, and the movement does seem to be growing. If it collapses in on itself and nothing happens then you'll find no-one happier than me, but if it doesn't, then we've got some problems coming.
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