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Old 05-02-06, 04:11 PM   #10
Grey Wolf
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The mentioning of economics sparked some ideas based on RL.

Now we all know that Germany and a number of other nations take part in Operation Enduring Freedom at the Horn of Africa. Their main goal is to catch Tangos and Weapon/Support transports, but along the way they try to get the pirating down. Believe it or not, there are some areas in the world where Pirating is still or again a serious threat to commercial/private shipping. And you could make a number of missions out of this.

For starters :
- Your ROE don't allow you to shoot until shot at, and to not board a vessel until the owner/captain has given his OK. Now how do you prevent a Pirate from bringing up a merchant or freighter without shooting at him first?
- Pirate search, you know there is a bad apple among all the good ones, in a busy shipping lane. You are out to find him and board him.
- Find and track a Pirate back to its homebase without counterdetection

Those are three ideas for missions and you could reasonably play them for example at the Horn of Africa or in the Philipines. Toss in some Search and Rescue, escorting or the like and you can do a mini-campaign.

Depending on your AO you could expand this mini-campaign into a big one, given that some things just happend in the area and the situation escalates (where the ideas from above would come in). That 2nd part could either be part of the campaign or stand-alone but connected.

And to expand on my idea from one of the first posts ...

use the following books as basis

- Debt of Honor
- Executive Orders
- The Bear and the Dragon

all written by Tom Clancy. Those three books have one common thread and thats Chinas interest in expanding to their west (ie Sibiria). Tho thats only real visible in TBTD. To further their goal they make up a coalition with India, Japan and Iran. In the first book its Japan vs. US with India & China on the sidelines passively supporting Japans actions with some of their own. In the 2nd book its UIR (Iran/Iraq after Hussein was assasinated and Iraq assimilated by Iran into the UIR) vs US again with India and China on the sidelines. Tho this time Japan helps the US. And in the 3rd book its US & Russia vs China in the attempt to prevent China from taking Sibiria and the natural resources recently found there (huge amounts of gold, oil and other things).

There are some interesting mission in that, for example a SSN (or was it SSBN) playing Gasstation for some Army Comanches on a Special Ops mission.
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