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Old 11-12-16, 08:38 PM   #1
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Default an idea for a new game maybe?

so i had the idea for a game that is primarily for merchants, it would start out in the mid 1800's and go all the way up to who knows when, i was playing the pirate carribean hunt and it got me to thinking how its either age of sail or modern day, theres nothing really for idea is basically starting with a little sailboat and working your way up to a large ocean liner carrying passengers, i figure sh5 deserves credit too for this inspiration, because i think it could be pulled off in a similar manor, time compression and all that, you would be able to go into your ship and walk around or take the controls in a 3rd or 1st person, standing at the wheel, there would also be a navy you could fight for doign all sorts of missions from escourting ships in hostile waters to activly engaging pirates, yes, pirates..there would be some piracy in there, pirates would start out with a ship, go plunder and pillage and do what pirates do best, they could also capture and steal merchant ships or even naval ships if they are up to the challenge, its similar to whats already out there ill admit, but i think it would be cool to see a game that has steam ships in it..i mean i would love to sit and listen to the engines of an old steamship chugging away..or the cannon fire of a frigate in the rough seas defending a merchant ship from pirates, its a rough idea, but i think it would be nice..wouldent be a fast paced game, but im sure it could work out as sh5 is very slow paced at times..i have a few other ideas for it but they are still on the drawing part of all, it would include a multiplayer world, with a realistic economy...similar to that of uncharted waters but i would improve on it, find a way to stop artificial inflation of selling, the ships would also be upgradeable, from cosmetics to actually configuing them with better sails, engines, more cargo space..stuff like that, you could litterally make the ship yours..anyway i know im rambling on and all that but i think it would be nice to see a game along these a shipping version of a flight sim with some naval combat thrown in idk
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