Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 10-31-16, 09:25 AM   #2431
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I'm not sure what you guys are doing with the index category of the ships in-game, but if you're thinking you only need to make a new "Type" category and the ship will react to whatever your expecting it should won't.

When I put some of the BB's, CA's, CL's into the stock indexed Type18=Elite Escort Carrier; Type19=Super Fleet Carrier (renaming as I did the Type18 and Type19 categories), this gave these ships the ability to have scout planes appear from these so called "Air Bases". The reason for the availability of these ships to become Air Bases is due to the Hard Coded game files that tell the game to treat a Type18 or Type19 as an Air Base. Since there are also Type8=Escort Carrier and Type9=Fleet Carrier's in-game, this gives four different "Types" of Warships that can become Air Bases.

Believe me, just deciding to make a fifth category....."Type25" and calling it "Mobil Plane Base" (or whatever), isn't going to make it an "Air Base". The game will only recognize the four "Types" it lists as such. You can call the "Types" (as I did), anything you want.....getting it to do what you want is still determined by the Hard Coded files of the game. We can't change that!


You guys also don't seem to know that to put a ship/plane.....whatever, into a certain group.....either Allied, Axis; American, Brazilian do this through additions to the Roster folders. That's how you get a certain flag to wave over a certain asset, or to get a certain asset to react either friendly or hostile to another (besides some other factors).

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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