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Old 10-22-16, 05:11 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by RevReese View Post
I have just installed TMO 2.5 and will probably be spending the rest of the weekend beneath the waves.

But then I heard about RSRDC and liked the sound of its historical nature (I have spent the last couple of hours reading forum threads debating TMO Vs RSRDC and am undecided).
I understand that RSRDC V502 was compatible with an older version of TMO.
I am still fairly confused on the matter though, is RSRDC V502 compatible with TMO 2.5?

I only recently discovered that I can have multiple installs which would have allowed me to test this but I have already modded my game.

So in your opinion, should I stick with TMO 2.5 and the dynamic campaign, or give RSRDC TMO V502 a try if it is compatible?

I have also downloaded RFB 2.0 to try at some later point as I have read that it is more realism focused than TMO and I would like to try that as well!
I am too spoilt for choice! I am fairly new to SHIV so am looking for something that is as immersive, realistic and historical as possible, yet is not going to kill me in one hit first time out!

If it matters, I am currently playing SHIII with GWX 3.0 and a scattering of smaller mods and loving it!

Thank you for your time!
First of all, RSRDC is compatible with TMO v2.5. RSRDC is all about the Campaign files and has to be installed via the JSGME over TMO. It is not a separate mod. Fo more info on RSRDC you should go here.

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