Thread: Sunless Sea
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Old 10-14-16, 04:39 AM   #9
Lucky Jack
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So, I've sailed the unter-Unterzee for maybe six or so hours now. Here's some thoughts on the Zubmariner DLC.

What does Zubmariner add?

Well, first and foremost it adds a short quest that allows you to fit your boat with technology that can transform it into a zubmarine.
(This is strictly against the Treaty of Nothing of Consequence signed by the factions of the Neath. There is nothing under the Zee, don't believe the rumours.)

Having a zubmarine is no good without a playground for it, so the map is effectively doubled by adding a second layer to it. This is the unter-Unterzee. You can dive virtually anywhere with a press of a button.

Under the Zee, you will find new creatures and enemies, loot, something called the "Unclear Bomb" (whatever that is) and of course, new locations to visit.

Ten-ish new underwater settlements can be visited with new stories to be found in every one of them. The writing is as usual, excellent.
(How much are you ready to sacrifice of yourself to gain access to the inner chambers of Anthe? Do I really need my liver? Spleen?)

Gameplay remains mostly unchanged. The boat and its equipment acts the same under the Zee as it does on the surface. Oxygen meter is added to the zubmarine bits that slowly ticks down and the zee-bat is replaced by a zonar which pulses every ~15 seconds and reveals if something is beyond your visibility (it is awfully dark down there).

So, the pros:
+ More delicious words from FailBetterGames. Enough reason to get it, if you liked Sunless Sea. The stories are after all the whole point of the game.
+ "Double" the map.
+ Early game is easier. Many of the underwater locations sell fuel and supplies at very decent price, allowing one to explore the map further in early game.
+ The Constant Companion. I have only heard its name and that it is the most horrifying thing in the game. It can also ruin your zee-captain's career very fast. I can't wait to meet it!!

- No new equipment. Airtank and Zonar upgrades would be nice.
- No new music. I was really hoping to hear new music.
- Early game is easier. I've been playing Sunless Sea since it hit EA and back then, the game truly was hard. Especially terror management was much more difficult. Having more ports where you can resupply and thus take all the precautions to not get your terror too high, imho, takes away part of the "gameplay terror".
- No separate chart for the Zubmarine bits. It is impossible to know which parts of the unter-Unterzee you have visited unless you memorize it.

That's about all I have to say about it. It is a solid DLC and I am enjoying it very much.

DISCLAIMER: It is impossible for me to not be biased, having 70 hours on the base game and still loving it to bits. Also as EA backer I got the DLC for free.
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