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Old 10-05-16, 01:43 PM   #2070
Ocean Warrior
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Who the hell does Erdogan think he is?

"The Turkish parliament at the weekend extended by one year a government mandate allowing its troops to deploy on Iraqi soil -- as well as Syrian territory -- a decision the Iraqi parliament then rejected, calling for the withdrawal of the Turkish troops."

Iraq parliament told them to get out, but Turkish troops are stationed at that camp just north of Mosul. They claim they are training Iraqi fighters for the assault on Mosul. Probably there to help Daesh leaders to escape when the assault begins.

"Erdogan suggested at the weekend any liberation of Mosul had to be conducted by those with ethnic and religious ties to the city, objecting to the use of Shiite militiamen or anti-Ankara Kurdish forces.
Turkey is an overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim country with increasingly close ties to Sunni Muslim kingpin Saudi Arabia.
As he did with regard to Syria, Erdogan indicated he was particularly troubled by any use of fighters linked to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which has waged a 32-year insurgency inside Turkey and whose paramilitary headquarters are in northern Iraq.
"The game played by Shiite militias and members of the terrorist organisation linked to the PKK -- in complete contradiction of the region's sectarian and ethnic structure, its cultural sensitivities -- must be disrupted," he said."

I hope an IED takes out Erdogan, that pig!
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Al Capone
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