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Old 09-23-16, 09:08 AM   #11
Gefallen Engel U-666
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Default It's all about the UMLAUT; From a dutch 'Snuiver' 2 a Norwegian 'snortvalve'

Originally Posted by Aktungbby View Post
^Just guessing wildly here: but the U 995 was schnorkel equipped; one of the marking on the Pappenburg guage is "Brücke" In German: 'bridge' but also in Norwegian (she surrendered at Tronheim Norway and was taken over as the "Kaura' in use for 15 years.)...Brucke in Norwegian is also 'exhaust'...related to the schnorkel??? Since the notation has an umlout I would guess German notation for decks awash to enable the late radar array to remain above water in the perilous end days of WWII; a precise notation at -6.6 to -7 meters if not also the schorkel ( "he who schnorkels well-lives") in the stress related atmosphere of a late kreigsmarine zentrelle, a harried planesman would have an instant memory refresher for a 'correct micro depth adjustments.
Originally Posted by Dowly View Post
There's a user by the name of 'Tore' who served onboard KMN Kaura (U-995), KMN Kya (U-926) and KMN Kinn (U-1202). Might be a good idea to ask him, if he knows more about the papenberg.

He also gave this warning about the U-995:

Anyways, here's a thread where he answers questions about the boats:
WOW A close hit on the first pass; So not the radar array?!!! the 'snort'! I suspected some makeover and grammer modifications as Tore indicates. How much is still 'German" and how much is "Norwegian"? Tore:
Snorting (oddly, British slang for the schnorkel) was in general a challenge to the people on watch. Trim and correct handling of the hydroplanes was very important.
If the snortvalve shut, the big diesel would suck out the air in the sub in seconds and the people would suffer. The cook had a hard time, one minute the kettles simmered in a second it could start boiling like crazy. In my day snorting was a novelty and in order to get experience we were ordered to test out the boat by sailing submerged from the westcoast of Norway passing Iceland to Greenland and back some 27 days submerged, which at that time was a record (in the norwegian navy). ( "he who schnorkels well-lives")??!!
We got a lot of experience and ideas for improvement. One of the main problems was the garbage of which 46 men produce substancial in the course of 27 days. Rottening garbage is not a pleasant thing and particulary not on board a sub. We got desperate and decided to put it in bags ( before the plastic ages) and load the torpedotubes whereupon we fired. Of course the bags bursted and the torpedopeople didn`t like it much....Remember space was limited. It was more important to have place for some cases of whisky.
No doubt with the smell of 27 days submerged and all that 'whiskey...those Vikings needed a 'snort' (my dad's word for a Scotch-neat) themselves! A minor edit: Now that Papenburg is properly spelled; an interesting procedure emerges I had not paid attention to previously:
9. When the desired down angle is achieved (normally 12-15° but can go as high as 30 ° in a crash dive - at more than 40° acid may leak from battery cells) vent valve for ballast tank 1 is opened. 10. Simultaneously, the planes are brought to neutral position. Shut off Papenberg depth gauge at 18 meters and precision depth gauge passing 20 meters. 11. Quick diving tank is blown just short of empty to avoid releasing bubbles.
One (tube on left) is the Papenburg gauge/ the other-with the precision markings- is 'the precision depth gauge'? OP should be retitled: "Precision depth gauge cryptic markings"

"Only two things are infinite; The Universe and human squirrelyness; and I'm not too sure about the Universe"

Last edited by Aktungbby; 09-23-16 at 09:56 AM.
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