Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 09-21-16, 08:33 PM   #2088
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Originally Posted by CapnScurvy View Post
I don't know if these things have been addressed.....too tired to look through the pages of this post. We seem to get about three a day.

I'm uploading an additional mod to the Google site called "FOTRSU v.26 Beta Update 092116", it should be done within the hour (yes my DSL is that slow!!).

Here's some of the corrections/additions:

Put a 7x power zoom on the Outside "Free Camera" along with the traditional view (use the mouse Wheel or TAB key to toggle views). I did this to allow for my future sensor addition for FOTRSU to have a typical "binocular" view from adjacent AI ships. I want to "see" what the sub looks like from an opposing ships perspective. This should help in determining Visual parameters for the AI.

Put some of the removed stock "units" for the Nav Map back into service. I found an aircraft lost its marker unit at medium zoomed views on the map. At long range, a plane has a square unidentified marker. At medium range the plane is usually identified with a triangle marker (which was not present in FOTRSU v.25). At closer zoomed views the plane icon turns into an actual "plane" shaped icon.

Fixed the Compass Bearing for the Binocular view, as well as making it larger. The Compass was found to drift towards the center of the view at various resolutions other than the default 1024x768. It should stay put for most higher resolutions....I hope! The Compass is also the same used for the Deck Gun and AA Station views.

The opening image of FOTRSU v.25Beta was replaced with a temporary one.....RR you can do your "magic" on the next release.

Slowed down the turning of the subs Deck Guns. Seemed too fast to pin point easily.

Removed one too many TNormal/tex/tex folders. The contents were already added to the first tex folder, we don't need the second.

Fixed the GrafSpee inability to be found when opening the Mission Editor.

Reworked the Shortwave Radio/Strategic Map, and the Phonograph/Conversion Chart. I found they, like the Binocular Compass Bearing, would "move" out of position at higher screen the point of not being found when activated. Should be better now. Also put a "Hide" button on the Shortwave Radio face.

At this time, I'm removing the Scout Planes from the Allied (American/British) side of the ships that would have used them....Battleships, Heavy and Light Cruisers. The Axis (German/Japanese) side will have most of the appropriate ships with Sea Borne Scout Planes. For now, I don't have a working plane for the allies. The two planes for the Japanese and the one for the German ships work as expected. I'm leaving them in-game. My reasoning for not having "all" possible ships with Scout Planes is due to the Campaign files needing to have a certain number of Battleships and CA's/CL's to fill the need to randomly choose from a pool of ships to fit a Campaign mission. If I mark all "Unitclass" Battleships for Scout Plane duty there won't be any Battleships to fill the Campaign mission that requests them. Anyway, its a work in progress.

Reworked the Names.cfg file to include more of the correct names. I did see where Jeff found the GrafSpee missing.......I did too.

Anyway, there's probably a couple of other things I tidied up....I can't think of them now?!?

Activate this "FOTRSU v.26 Beta Update 092116" after the FOTRS v.25 Beta.


Oh boy, just thought of something.....I need to stop my upload to fix something in the Menu_1024_768.ini file. I'll have the file uploaded later tonight.
Great work, Capn.

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