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Old 09-19-16, 11:55 PM   #7
Gray Lensman
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Sorry about the SH3 confusion above.

Originally Posted by Revenant342 View Post
Wow! Thanks for the great responses, guys!

... What's the point of radioing in convoy sightings, then? Does it give prestige?
I think it contributes to renown, which is your "currency" to purchase better equip. and/or sailors when in port.


Finally, with the detection range, I'm often *well* beyond the outer circle, in rough seas at night. Still, every destroyer I run into comes charging at me instantly as soon as my crew makes a sighting, even from distances where I can't even make them out at max magnification. Seems odd, and at first I chalked it up to radar because the first few were all Akizukis, but then saw Fubukis doing the exact same thing. I've adjusted my strategies accordingly, but it seems off.
re:detection range and evasion tactics

In daylight I use the compass to draw a circle to show 6 miles. That seems to be the visual limits of land or ship based detection range. At night from experience it is usually around 8000 yards (4 miles). Now if its an air unit, I've been sighted as far as 7 miles if I'm broadside to the aircraft or maybe have the scope/air detection radar raised. Speed also matters, as the aircraft seems to be able to spot strong wakes.

If you spot an escort from let's say 5 to 6 miles and you're head on. DON'T TURN. Go to periscope depth THEN turn 90 degrees away. If you know for sure he saw you, use your sonar man to give you info on him coming at you. (the buttons that respond with Yes Sir, Sweeping). The sonar man will be telling you several things, but at first the most useful is range. While he's Long range, I'm usually down below or headed down below the temperature gradient headed out almost 90 from the incoming escort's track to get max separation from original location at Standard or Full Speed

As soon as the sonar man informs me he's at Medium range, (You have to constantly query him [hit the button]) I back off the speed to 2/3 (to reduce noise) and turn another 45 degrees away (basically 135 degrees from his incoming track to the original datum (the spot where he saw me go under). Once on track at 135 degrees, I back off the speed to 1/3 (4 knots on battery)

Using the above turn away procedure, quite often the escort never gets closer than medium range.

BUT, When/if the sonar man informs me he's at short range OR he stops to listen, drop the speed to 3 knots to get the engines down to 100 RPM and hit silent running, keeping your sub's tail pointed directly towards (nose headed away from) his sonar track.

If done right, he should never be able to locate you and he'll spend quite some time pounding the heck out of the datum point.

Oh yes, get in the habit of marking your datum point (your sub's location spot) immediately when you dive, so you have an on-map reference to where he's headed. This makes it easier to determine his course and using his sonar track gives you a pretty good idea where he's at along that course.

If playing the TMO Mod be wary of the area known as Bungo Suido near Kyushu. Bungo Pete hangs out there and he's extremely hard to shake off once he's on your track.

Hope this helps dealing with escorts.

Member since February 2007

Wargaming since 1971 (1st game Avalon Hill's Stalingrad)

Hobby/Gaming Computng since 1977 (TRS-80) (adhoc programming & game modding ever since)

Last edited by Gray Lensman; 10-01-16 at 11:16 PM.
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