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Old 09-19-16, 10:12 PM   #6
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Wow! Thanks for the great responses, guys!

I guess I've gotten some of the information for the various titles mixed up. I thought the contact sighting/air support mechanic was in the base WotP campaign. What's the point of radioing in convoy sightings, then? Does it give prestige?

As far as the kill credit question goes, by sensor range, do you mean sonar or visual? Because I did have the Ise as a sonar contact, but he was beyond visual range at periscope depth. However, the Shokaku I sank and got credit for went down while I was below periscope depth hiding from escorts. Is it some kind of max distance?

For tankers, I guess I'll just steer clear of them. The one I shot up was accompanying a task force out of a port in Borneo, though, so I assumed it was serving as an oiler and full of cargo fuel.

Finally, with the detection range, I'm often *well* beyond the outer circle, in rough seas at night. Still, every destroyer I run into comes charging at me instantly as soon as my crew makes a sighting, even from distances where I can't even make them out at max magnification. Seems odd, and at first I chalked it up to radar because the first few were all Akizukis, but then saw Fubukis doing the exact same thing. I've adjusted my strategies accordingly, but it seems off.
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