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Old 09-19-16, 04:22 PM   #1
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Default A couple newbie questions

Hey all, just got the game yesterday and am learning the ropes. I had a couple questions I was hoping someone would know the answer to:

First, what determines if you get kill credit or not? I put four torps into an Ise where the turrets sit hoping for a magazine kill, but she just developed a heavy list to Port and was still under power at full speed. I had to run from a half-dozen escorts closing on me and was looping back around on the task force for another run when all of a sudden her sonar contact drops off and gets replaced by a sunken ship icon. I checked my log and didn't see credit for it (SO MUCH TONNAGE! :/). Is it because I wasn't within visual range when she sank to confirm the kill?

Secondly, are Tankers (specifically Large Modern Tankers) really, really beefy for anyone else? Made a run on another task force and sank a Shokaku with a spread of four torps. On my way out I took a pair of snap-shots at a CVL and a Tanker with my stern torps. CVL exploded brilliantly with one hit to nowhere in particular, but the tanker survived a direct hit to her engine room and lost propulsion. She fell out of the formation and was adrift and heavily down by the stern, so I fired two more torps at her from long range. No visible effect from two direct hits admiships. I went in to finish her off with the deck gun and she ate about 40 rounds of HE to her tank deck without catching fire and 30 AP all along the waterline before finally dying. I've killed destroyers with less than that, not even counting torps. Is this right?

Finally, can anyone explain detection ranges to me? I think I have the sonar ranges down, with the split circle with the blind spot astern being passive hydrophones and the D in front of the ones that have it being active sonar, but what's the big, unbroken circle on the outside? I had assumed it was visual detection when you're surfaced, but every destroyer I've come across has made a bee-line for me the second I've gotten them tagged visually, even in the middle of a moonless night in a rainstorm. Makes it a pain to call in reports on convoys and task forces because the convoy is alerted the second I see them.

Speaking of which, and lastly, what's the chance of you actually getting backup from calling in a convoy or task force? I've seen it said that you can get air support or even allied ships to show up, but this has never actually happened for me. Is it even worth doing?

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