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Old 09-09-16, 06:37 PM   #1884
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by Admiral Halsey View Post
You know in regards to the British BC ammo problems is it possible to simulate that vulnerability in the game? Because i'd love to be watching Jutland only to see a German shell(are you going to make 3D shell models because I know some mods have them) slamming into a British BC followed by an explosion that'd make Michael Bay blush. Also will capital ships have the ability to split in half after an ammo explosion?

Trust me my of my HUGE pet peeves in SH3/4/5 has been battleships not blowing up and breaking in two! I have an unhealthy interest in explosions! When a 12" shell scores one of those golden BB shots, you WILL see a huge explosion. With quite a few disturbing details (these will be optional to keep things PG-rated).

FYI please note my new signature - there has been a HUGE HUGE HUGE update on the WOTK facebook page. Not new material, but an archive of the screenshots on this thread, so you don't have to guess which images are where. Ship updates, Terrain, Medals, Interface, etc are all organized properly on the Facebook. Please check it out if you haven't recently. And like, subscribe, and share Wolves of the Kaiser! In a way, publicity is half the battle....!

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