Thread: The Hunter
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Old 09-05-16, 11:06 AM   #326
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Economic needs and gameplay demands by the crowd needs to be balanced with "realism". A game where an animal is seen just every three hours or so, would not even get out of the starting block, but would be condmened as a "walking simulator".
Complaining about the world being too crowded with targets doesn't mean I am asking for the absolute opposite extreme, does it?
This is a common fallacy I read from tH fans a lot. One criticizes something and instead of addressing his point or opinion, people form a straw man and imply he asked for the very opposite extreme, which isn't the case.
Not saying you meant to do that, but that's kinda how it came across.
I agree of though, no one asks for a walking simulator, it wouldn't go well.
But right now? It is just the other extreme.

I'm not looking to mindlessly trash this game, I'm just genuinely disappointed what happened to it and I used to really love this game way back when it started out.
Can you say "Pim-effect"?
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