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Old 04-27-06, 07:22 PM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2003
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MakeHuman(C) is an open-source, open graphics library, stand-alone, multi-platform, software program, which is completely written in C language. Its purpose is to provide a versatile, professional and extremely specialized application for parametrical modeling of three-dimensional humanoid characters.

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By specialized, we mean that MakeHuman'sC sole purpose is to model and pose a 3D humanoid, complete with hair, accessories and high quality UV maps. It will only make an acceptably photo realistic, poseable, humanoid character suitable for use in a variety of applications and for a variety of purposes – marketing campaigns, advertisements, animations, graphic art, and 3D games, just to name a few.

By professional, we mean that the MakeHumanC development team's first priority is the stability of the software and the output of an optimized mesh, that is the result of years of on-going observations and refining. To that end, tools that would make MakeHumanC uselessly complicated, or a plethora of buttons or menus which only serve to impress the user or clutter the viewing area and slow down your computer, will not be included.

By parametrical modeling, we mean the ability to model a 3D humanoid in real time, using a series of graphically represented parameters. By using these parameters, nearly any type of character imaginable will be able to be created; scientific (typological and anthropological classifications), morphologic (sex, height, weight, age and race), or artistic (fantasy characters or caricatures). The parameters will allow the modification of nearly any humanoid characteristic – from general features such as body height, to the specific details of a nose.

By versatile, we mean that the created humanoid character will be able to be directly exported to many major 3D graphics modeling programs in their format, such as .obj, or .3ds. Or, photorealistic images of characters, with a transparent background, will be able to be produced via RenderMan® compliant rendering applications; and then, inserted during post production into complex scenarios made with 3D graphics manipulation, animation, or multimedia editing programs.

MakeHuman(C) will have all the tools it needs to compete in the highest levels of the professional arena:

* An advanced system for hair rendering.
* An advanced system for the correct simulation of muscular movement and limb rotation, with particular attention to articulation.
* An advanced system for skin rendering, which faithfully simulates the subsurface scattering effect.
* An advanced system for facial expressions, based on the famous FACS of Doctor Ekman.

This planned series of external MHToolsC will allow quick and easy creation of new libraries when modeling inside major 3D computer graphics programs. Through these tools, it will be possible to infinitely extend the MakeHumanC libraries and make it an increasingly more powerful and versatile tool – while simultaneously saving many long hours, if not days, of modeling work!
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