Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 08-09-16, 07:19 AM   #1117
Ace of the Deep
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Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins View Post
Thank you! But beware! A skilled speaker or writer can say complete bullhockey and make it sound very plausible. Take Hillary Clinton's latest television commercial for instance. She's going to "finally" (they already pay over 50% of federal revenues) make the corporations (corporations cannot pay taxes. To survive they MUST pass those taxes plus expenses onto the public in the form of higher prices) and "fat cats" (those are the people who produce the jobs) pay their "fair share" (that means raise their taxes greatly) so that she can use the money to create jobs in a way never seen before (government creates NOTHING. It is a cost to society and generates no wealth except for the lawmakers like Hillary). So, translated into English, she is going to penalize the wage payers so that the wage earners can make more money. Wage payers participate in the economy voluntarily. They have the freedom not to produce because they have assets to survive on even if they have no income. The wage earners typically can survive a couple of weeks without income. Get the wage payers torqued and we'll see a depression that makes the Great Depression of the 20's, 30's and 40's look like a carnival. The wage payers who close their businesses will take their money and have a carnival while we literally die of starvation. We would deserve our fate if we vote for her, openly advertising catastrophe.

Is this little diatribe really necessary or appropriate to a subsim forum? Political opinion belongs on your personal FB page, not this forum. Please stop.

Run Silent, Run Deep, and Sink 'em All
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