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Old 07-25-16, 02:39 PM   #5181
Bilge Rat
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Default Decided to try to dock with a support ship and it got bombed.

I'm not really playing with all the hardcore settings most people are playing with in here however yesterday while playing my campaign (GWX 3.0 gold) with the type IXB I'm in mid 1941 and my patrol grid is in the neighborhood of the Gibraltar strait.

I decide to do some hunting there and I've exhausted most of my fish so I head back to Lorient I notice on the map there's a small ship in a nearby harbor I can dock with to refuel and since I've never tried it before I sneak into the harbor and come up right along side of it (in the ship cam we really are parked side by side almost against each other) at periscope depth.

I decide to stay like that until night fall so I time compress and all of a sudden the max compression goes down and the ship comes under attack by bombers while I'm just feet away from it underwater. I order back emergency and slowly back out while all hell breaks lose above in extremely shallow water.

Somehow I manage to escape with only minor damage, sneak back out. and head for home.

Most intense thing that I've been through so far in this game.
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