Thread: Lifeguarding
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Old 07-22-16, 07:49 PM   #4
Join Date: Jul 2015
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I checked my logbook several times and didn't notice anything. In fact I didn't get any radio traffic whatsoever aside from a single combat report on my way from Brisbane to the mission area and the five days I patrolled the area. I stopped using TC at more than 36x speed when I was about 10 miles away from the marker on the map, looking at the skies for any planes and sea for any signs of smoke, but nothing... I patrolled the area for yet another extra 5 days in vain.

I even restarted the whole patrol just to make sure, but still nothing happens or is in sight when I get to the marker. I went in zig-zag within about 25 mile radius just in case the current had taken the pilot off somewhere but still no luck.

At least restarting the patrol fixed my radar operator who refused to give surface contact reports, so at least that's one problem out of the way but as things are, COMSUBPAC just tells me to carry on with my mission for weeks on without me seeing any planes or pilots whatsoever.

How is the lifesaving mission supposed to trigger in normal conditions? You just get to the marker and look for a pinkish smoke or plane falling down, or is it within a certain radius from the marker like patrol missions (50nm was it)?

And thanks for the warm welcome!
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