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Old 07-19-16, 02:16 PM   #1506
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Originally Posted by Von Due View Post
Islam is defined by the Quran exactly the same way every other religion is defined by their holy text. Riddle me this: Why do Sunnis and Shias worship differently, with different rituals and all? They share the same religion but they do not read the same book the same way. Riddle me this: In some muslim countries, women have to wear burkhas. In other they don't. In some they have to wear hijab, in others, they don't. They read the same book and get the same "commands".

It is how we humans read and interpret these books, all of these books, that makes what is a practiced religion.

You keep clinging to your world of simple one-liners and I am trying to explain that it is not among one-liners you will find the solutions. It is not a black and white world we live in, it is not 2 dimensional populated by cardboard figures made on order. This is a fully fledged 3D world with more dimensions to these problems than just "it's Islam".
You just don't get it.
The world isn't black and white, no way Sherlock?
However, Islam is. It is the simplest thing. Follow, or don't follow.

How in seven Hells can people speak of 'tolerance' when they talk about an ideology that commands its people to murder, to lie, to deceive and to conquer?

"Muh but Christianity!!!1"
Yes, but unlike Islam, even this crap-ideology evolved somewhat, because it realized it had to (surely not out of courtesy).
Islam however... there is but one way in Islam.
Translate Islam and you get the answer.

What a waste of time.
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