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Old 07-19-16, 01:45 PM   #1502
Von Due
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There are no phantom anything here. The issues are: Tolerance vs intolerance, to which I have said my piece a number of times now, traditions and what traditions, to which I have said my piece a number of times now, misinformation in the news and elsewhere, I happened tto pick this jihad thing, to which I have said my piece a number of times now. One more issue is what is Islam and how does terrorism fit into the religion, to which I and history have said our pieces a number of times.

You will not find a simpleton's one-liner substitute for the issues we all are facing here. This is not a "Islam vs the World, end of story" debate, no, not all muslims share every idea of what Islam is about, no, not every muslim is rooting for terrorists, there are more issues here, and older ones too, than mere religion. There are much younger issues here as well, than mere religion.

Religion does play a part but it is not the only part.
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