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Old 06-07-16, 09:45 PM   #6969
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Default Win 10 - GWX3 stability. (Resolved)

This may be for just anyone in a similar situation or useful feedback (or maybe you knew this already) re: GWX3.0 and Windows 10.

Love the GWX3 mod although ran into some things I had to fix up after installing it.

Run a vanilla Windows 10 Home edition OS. No special pre-made image from the big box stores just the full-off the shelf version from an office supply store.

Ran stock SHIII via Steam for months (about 460 hours of play time) on Windows 10 as described above. Stable. No crashes. No issues.

Had some crash-to-desktop (CTD) issues after installing GWX3. And that was after doing the proper steps of putting a GSX3 install over a clean SHIII install.

Unknown the exact fixes as I did multiple things after noticing the CTDs.

1. Forced Windows 10 to run GWX3 in compatibility mode for XP SP3.
2. Set screen resolution down to 1024x768 (still looks good on a 27" monitor). I love the game enough to dedicate this computer to it if needed.
3. When launching the GWX3 shortcut, I now right-click it and "Run as administrator".
4. Video options of SHIII/GWX3, turn off event camera; reduced texture detail a bit.
5. Restart.

Runs very well. At some point I will do some fault isolation and re-engage some of the video settings.

Now stable. Also note, this is just me with my system. So, I have no other events to point to with other users and their systems. So take what I post with that kind of grain-of-salt.

I have only been using GWX3 for two days.

And of course after playing 460-some hours of stock SHIII, having a wonderful enjoyment of this GWX3 mod.


"Auf gefechtsstationen!"

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