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Old 05-29-16, 10:23 AM   #13
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Default Ending The First Test Patrol (Eprobüngstelle) > Promotions > Transferring.

Ending The First Test Patrol (Eprobüngstelle) > Promotions > Transferring.

When The Patrol Has Ended What To Do Next!

Picture 1 > When you click on > DOCK AT Stralsund you are immediately taken to > Picture 2.

Picture 2 > This is your > Patrol History.

You can see that the > Renown earned for completing the Mission and sinking one ship is 643.37 points.
See also > Post #18 > Updating your Personnel File in SH3Commander.
Press the > Back Arrow at the bottom of the screen.

Picture 3 > Writing Desk

Documents on the desk > Promotions, Medals, Qualifications.
Promotions must be taken now or lost.
See also post #18 > Manage your Crew.
U- Boat on the desk > Aces rosta.
Box on the desk > Your Awards.
Telephone on the desk > Transfer Telephone.

Picture 4 > Clicking on the > Documents on the desk takes you to the > Crew screen.

At this stage in your game only > Sailors can receive > Promotions.
Officers cannot be promoted.
Officers can have a maximum of > 3 Qualifications.
The first qualification is the most important one.
Petty Officers can be promoted to the value of > 300
Petty Officers have to have already achieved > 150 Resilience before a promotion can be done.
Petty Officers can only have > 1 Qualification.
Sailors can be promoted up to the value of > 100
Sailors can receive > 1 Qualification but it is not active.
Giving Sailor’s a Qualification is useful for identifying their skill and compartment position.
See also post #18 > Manage your Crew.

Picture 5 > You are required to confirm any changes made > Are you sure > Yes.

Press the > Back Arrow at the bottom of the screen.

Picture 6 > Medals > Here you can see the Mrdals you have been awarded to date.

Picture 7 > Career History > You can see your > Mission History here.

Picture 8 > U-Boat Aces > You can see where you are in the list of the Aces.

Picture 9 > Transferring from the > Eprobungstelle Testing Flotilla.

Click on the > Telephone.

Picture 10 > You are going to transfer to >2. Flotilla.

A Flotilla’s availability is controlled by date as you can see from the > Flotilla Chart.
Transfers to these other Flotilla’s then become available using the same method as now.

Picture 11 > Click on > Apply For Transfer.

Picture 12 > Click on the >2. Flotilla.

Picture 13 > Click on > Apply For Transfer.

Note that the > Flotilla has turned > Blue.

Picture 14 > Shows you new base > Wilhelmshaven.

Click > Ok > to confirm your > Transfer request.

Picture 15 >Request Approved.

Press the > Back Arrow at the bottom of the screen.

Picture 16 > Writing Desk.

Press the > Back Arrow at the bottom of the screen.

Picture 17 > Press the > Back Arrow at the bottom of the screen.

Picture 18 > The Office.

The 643.37 Renown points has been added to the original 1000 = 1643.37 Total earned to date.
Press the > Back Arrow at the bottom of the screen.

Picture 19 > Career Menu Screen.

Press the > Back Arrow at the bottom of the screen.

Picture 20 > Captain’s Menu Screen.

Press the > Back Arrow at the bottom of the screen.

Picture 21 > Main Menu Screen.

Click on > Exit Game.

Picture 22 > Quit Game?

Click > Yes to confirm.
You will be returned to the desk top.

Tutorials on Post # 15 - 16 - 17 are all optional if you want to make changes before starting Mission/Patrol 2
To skip these go to Tutorial Post #19.

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 05-05-18 at 03:18 PM.
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