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Old 05-29-16, 10:22 AM   #12
Growing Old Disgracefully
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Default Game Loaded > Raise The flag > Patrol Orders > Using your Weapons Officer > TDC .

Game Loaded > Raise The flag > Patrol Orders > Using your Weapons Officer > TDC .

Picture 1 > The game always loads to the > Command Room.
Commands you are going to use now:
F4 > Bridge.
F5 > Navigation Map.

Picture 2 > F4 takes you to the > Bridge.
At this point the > Flagstaff is without a Flag flying > Use Ctrl + F to remove the flag.
WO: “Firing at will” will show in the > Message Box when you use CTRL + F11 to take a Picture.

Picture 3 > Use Shift + F to place the Flag on the Flagstaff.

Picture 4 > F5 takes you to the > Navigation Map.
The Navigation Map shows the U-Boat’s position in Stralsund Dock.
Note the > Blue ? this is the > Tool Helper.

Picture 5 > With the Map expanded (Mouse Scroll Wheel) the first part of the course is plotted.
As soon as you release the mouse from the > Plotting Tool (Right Mouse Click) the > U-Boat’s telegraph will automatically go to > Ahead Standard.

Picture 6 > Pressing the Short Cut K key shows the > Captains Log.

Picture 7 > Pressing F7 shows you your > Crew.
The Qualifications showing are the default ones.
The Crew positions are default ones.
Crew Qualifications can be changed later by using > SH3Commander’s > Crew Management.

Picture 8 > Pressing the Short Cut I key will take you to the Torpedoes and Ammunition screen.
Auto Loading is the default setting.
Click on > Auto Loading to remove the > Green tick.
Use > Manual Loading if you are carrying more than one type of torpedo.

Picture 9 > Press the Short Cut M key to see > Radio Messages.
This Radio Message contains your > Objective Orders.
New messages are > Red.
Old Messages are > Black.

Picture 10 > Shows a Radio Message in the > Message Box was received at 02.01.
Plotting a course 25km off the coast to intercept the targets.

Picture 11 > F4 on the Bridge using the > UZO
Shift + U to place the > UZO on it’s pedestal.

Ctrl + U to remove.
To Lock the Target use the Short Cut L key.
Target Locked > Button turns Green.
Weapons Officer Icon (WE)
Periscope Bearing > 0

AOB will be > 90
Speed as per orders > 9 knots.

Picture 12 > Weapons Officer Icon (WE)
Icon 1 > Torpedo Attack.

Picture 13 > Weapons Officer Icon (WE).
Icon 1 > Lower > Torpedo Attack.
Icon 1 > Upper > When pressed will identify the Target.

Picture 14 > Weapons Officer Icon (WE).
Icon 1 > Lower > Torpedo Attack.
Target identified in the > TDC as Frighter (Parcel).
Icon 2 > Upper > Torpedo Solution.

Picture 15 > U-Boat and Targets (Red) > Current positions.
Map > Contact Colors.
Red > Enemy Targets.
Green > Neutrals.
Blue > Friendly.
Press the > Arrow symbol on the Rudder to remove the > Large Compass.
The Compass reverts to normal dial size.

Picture 16 > Weapons Officer Icon (WE).
Torpedo Solution showing in the > TDC.
Q key has been pressed to > Open Tube 1 Door.
Torpedo has been fired by pressing the > Large Red Button.
Lock Button has returned to > Black.
The > Event Camera shows the torpedo has been fired.
The Message Box shows the > Tube Door Torpedo 3 has been opened (Q key again).
The W key will cycle through the Torpedoes.
Moving from an > Opened Tube Door to a different Torpedo Tube will Close the previously Opened door.
It is not possible to have more than 1 Tube Door opened at any one time.

Picture 17 > F6 shows the > Attack Map.
The Event Camera has come back on to show Torpedoes 1 and 3 closing on Target 1.
Torpedo 2 has been fired at > Target 2.

Picture 18 > Torpedo 3 has hit the Bow section.
Torpedo 1 > Aimed Amidships was a deep runner and missed.
Notice that we are still approaching the Target 1 at > 9 knots.

Picture 19 > The Message Box shows > Enemy Unit Destroyed.

Picture 20 > Shows the > Recognition Manual.

Press the > Left Arrow to open it when needed.
If you are using the > Weapons Officer Icon (WE) to do all the work you will still need to set manually the > Torpedo Depth in the TDC.
Red Button above the > Large Compass > Allows you to enter Manual data to the TDC dials.
This should be returned back to > Red after entering the data.

Picture 21 > A new > Radio Message has arrived.

Picture 22 > New Orders.

Picture 23 > Returned to Base to Dock back in > Stralsund.
Press > Esc key.
Select > Exit Patrol.
Click on > DOCK AT Stralsund.

There is nothing to say that any > Eprobungstelle Testing Mission has to be done at all, or you actually need to sink any ship or ships either.
It really only affects your > Renown and Crew Bonus points.
It does however give you the opportunity to practice and get used to your boat even if you go to the attack point but do not sink the ships.
I never really understood why you would be ordered to attack at 9 knots against a stationery target.
For an ideal attack procedure you would want to be stationery which would give you a better degree of accuracy.
Sinking the 2 Targets adds to your tally of sinking’s which is not to everyone’s taste, as it gives a false account on your Career each time a > Eprobungsstelle Test Mission is done.

Alternative Abort Option!
When at Picture 2.
Press > Esc key.
Select > Exit Patrol.
Click on > DOCK AT Stralsund.

1 Bonus point given to each Crew member.
No medals.
No promotions etc.
No additional Bonus Points available to the Crew as ships were not sunk.

Game Note.
If you wish to use the > DF Antenna.
Shift + V > Raise
CTRL + V > Lower
Automatically lowers on submerging.

Now go to the next Tutorial.

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 05-05-18 at 02:51 PM. Reason: Replaced missing pictures
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