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Old 04-07-16, 02:41 AM   #242
Join Date: Apr 2007
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Took down my perioscope 8 years ago, due to the opposite sex, lame excuse yeas but it´s life. Figured I´ve earned enough pointes to load my SH5 (just have to find it Got a nice birthday email and figured it is time to get back into the game. Was part of the Wolfsatwar roleplay pac with SH3 at that time but they do not seem to be active anymore. I'm Swede 53 living on the pack ice just under the artci circle. Still 3 weeks with ice left but when that is gone, at the sea is where you´ll find me. Have an old 30 feet sail boat in pine that is under renovation. Good to be back

PS. was looking around adn you guy have done a great work, hope it wount take me a PhD to get everything up and running but I´m really looking froward to get active again GMY DS.

Last edited by McBeach; 04-07-16 at 03:52 AM.
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