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Old 03-23-16, 03:48 PM   #1
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Default Roll and Pitch, with a bit of splash.

Found this on YouTube:-

It brings back memories of Cape Horn on a good day!!!!

Oh to get this effect in SH3

I have been playing around with the following re ship behavior:-

C of G - making it higher than the draught so that the ship becomes tender - comes to upright very slowly - too much and it capsizes. Where the C of G is set on most models at the moment makes the ship act "stiff", like a boat in a bath).

The drag which I think slows the rate of pitch and the roll and the

fr_ratio which I'm not sure does an awful lot (anyone know?)

Anyone know anything about the weather module ( where is it ???). It would be nice to get wind streaks on the waves. I had to increase wind speed to 300 kph in a mission to get some decent rolls and pitches from Bismark, Gneisenau and their pals, but the sea still looked calm compared with this video.

Also water stream on surface ships - Rubini did an awful lot of work on water streams on the subs, anyone think this is possible on surface ships? Where would you start looking etc etc?

Food for thought - or a non starter?


Je pense donc je fuis!

Last edited by MLF; 03-23-16 at 04:17 PM.
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