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Old 03-13-16, 12:32 PM   #370
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Originally Posted by Husksubsky View Post
Thx a lot for info Appreciated
So Its not really needed to set OCI.EXE to run as administrator then?If I understand: "then it'll run the subsequent items as administrator" right.Not that it matters but I like to understand just a bit of this.
I haven't tried it that way since one of the first instructions of the fix was to set OSI to run an admin, but yes, if you run anything as administrator, all subsequent processes should spawn in that context. Of course there's a way within code to override that but developers only override user context when necessary.

I can add that I did not see OXI.EXE at all if I didn t run uplay as administrator. That makes sense to me at least, but I don t think it was mentioned I HAD to run wichever startup as administrator except I think it was said as a general rule elsewhere.
OSI will fail to run if the exe is marked as "Run as administrator" but the spawning process isn't started as administrator. The spawning process won't have the permission to run the subsequent process and you'll likely get an error about Internet connection being down if you try to play a campaign. This happened to me.

Someone said we should start game through uplay too. Can it really matter?
I rarely ever start the game via Uplay. Wish there was a hack to get rid of it altogether. lol. There may be some reason to do so, so I don't want to disagree with any prior posts on the subject, but from my experience it has made no difference. It's possible though that this could be specific to how I have the game set up.

I also turned off game save syncing. I still get the message in-game, but my files are not duplicated to Uplay directory or cloud.

I will try out KSD commander, but we have to start game through KSD then?
Also curious whether it matters if we are online or offline in Uplay while we play. There was some back and forth about that, but that must be like 3 yrs ago . Dont remember any conclusion.
It's not required to start the game through KSD Commander, but doing so will keep your KSD commander information in sync. I believe I read that on the KSD forum. You can still sync it manually through KSD Commander, but starting if from KSD Commander makes it so you don't have to. I really enjoy KSD Commander.

Also, doesn't matter, again from my experience, whether you are online / offline for Uplay.

You're very welcome Kaleun. Gute Jagd!
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