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Old 12-08-15, 01:44 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Ahead Flank View Post
I'd like to make something about Turkey vs. Russia, but can't find a good & realistic enough idea
Got an idea and I hope you can use it or some part of it

Russian side
Game time(your decision) how long the scenario should be(your decision)

Before game start a text with words like

November one of our Russian bomber was shot down and a state of hostile between Our motherland Russia and Turkey was a fact

For weeks this was the currently situation between our two countries. This changed yesterday when warship Moscow shot down a Turkish F-16. Turkey see this as an act of war and consider that Turkey is at war with Motherland Russia. We have for weeks been building up air forces in Syria-mainly to help our brother Assad, these planes will be used to protect the Russian-Turkish border, until we have moved AF from northern areas and manpower, to the Turkish border. Etc etc(I'm not perfect in getting my ideas down on paper in a perfect way)

Game start

Airbase in Syria with so and so many bombers and fighters
Some warship outside Syria.

Some empty airbases(maybe 2 or 3) near the Turkish border-The player shall or should move bomber plane and fighters from other Russian airbases to these 2-3 airbases

And maybe let the player move ground forces from Russia to the Turkish border.

You could of course skip all this and start the game where all this already is done, so the player only has to "start the war" against Turkey

Just a quick idea

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