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Old 10-18-15, 10:06 AM   #37
Ocean Warrior
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Sorry for the delay. First here are a few corrections, I forgot to remove the capitals from blockade and siege.
Blockade doesn't allow to move the unit to this place.
A blockade is preventing you from moving the unit to this location.

Siege doesn't allow to move the unit to this place.
A siege is preventing you from moving the unit to this location.

And here is the rest.

Only amphibian units can land to harbor directly.
You require amphibian units to land troops at this harbor.
(I'm not sure if this is the best wording. Are amphibian units troops or ships?, also are they just landing at the harbor or assaulting it where enemy troops are defending?)

Can't move units without warships in enemies harbor.
You must move a warship inside the enemy harbor before you can move other units into the harbor.

The ships can be moved only between specialized slots and can't move here.
You cannot move ships into infantry slots.
(to use this, you would need an opposite message for moving infantry in slots, the reverse would be "You cannot move infantry into ship slots." You could also use the more generic "This unit cannot be moved into that type of slot.")

The ships can be moved only between the slots of your state and can't move here.
(is this happening during unit selection, or when creating a scenario, or somewhere else in the game? Anyhow here is a rough version)
You can only move your ships to slots that belong to your country

(Navy) Damages less than XX percents doesn't need to be repaired. Damage less than XX percent does not need to be repaired.
(Infantry) Don't need to reinforce infantry regiment.
This infantry regiment does not need reinforcement. (It would be a good idea to say why this regiment doesn't need reinforcement)
(ships and infantry can be repaired and replenished only if they have lost more than 90% hit points) (does that mean then that you can't repair a ship until it is almost destroyed? Or do you mean it has be damaged a little bit?)

(Navy) Drag the plan for the warship to a free dock slot in the same harbor the plan comes from.
Drag the plan for the warship to a free dock slot in the same harbor.

(Infantry) Drag the infantry regiment's plan on free barrack slot in the same harbor as plan.
Drag the plan for the infantry regiment to a free barrack slot in the same harbor.

(Navy) Harbor under attack! No possible to laid down a warship.
You cannot start construction of a warship as the harbor is under attack (I chose construction as 'laying the keel' would be more confusing to players)
(Infantry) Harbor under siege! No possible to laid down a warship.
(do you mean infantry recruiting for this? If not just replace 'attack' with 'siege' for my last answer)
You cannot start recruitment for a new infantry regiment as the harbor is under siege.

The warship USS Hartford has headed to the New York City dry docks for repairs. The repairs are expected to cost XX and should take XX months to complete.
The warship USS Hartford has reached the New York City dry docks for repairs. The repairs are expected to cost XX and take XX months to complete.

To build defence construction needs at least one infantry regiment in erea.
To be able to build defensive constructions, you need to have at least one infantry regiment in the area.

The 1st Alabama Infantry was organized at Mobile and ready for action.
The 1st Alabama Infantry Regiment has been organized at Mobile, Alabama, and is ready for action.

You forgot to answer this one though...

Originally Posted by NeonSamurai View Post
Defensive works enable only for siege side.
(I don't understand this at all, please explain under what circumstances this message appears in game)
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