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Old 10-15-15, 04:18 PM   #1494
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Originally Posted by Red October1984 View Post
I feel like this movie is going to win a lot of awards...
And I fully agree, it really impressed me. What a crazy ride!
I liked that Scott broke the silly unwritten Hollywood rules that usually apply for some typical scenes or conversations.

For example,
during the docking maneuver (powered by the Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS ) everything in the scene implied "uh oh, something's gonna happen", like the too-happy music, the warning signal that made the viewer think somethings wrong, the controllers reaction that looked alarmed for a second... but then everything's just...dandy!?
How dare you Ridley, someone had to die in that scene! Tzz!

And that is what I loved about it. The movie had some "standard scenes" we've all seen before - but it didn't follow the rules.

Thank you Ridley!
I'm tempted to give this a 10/10, because I can't think of anything that would justify a 9/10.

Edit: WAIT! I found something that - unfortunately - forces me to give it a 9/10, instead of a full deck.
The unnecessary censoring of "bad words". Like when they exchanged transmissions, his text said "Are you f____ng kidding me?" instead of, well, the real word.
This made me roll my eyes, I am sick of these hypocritical moral standards in the media and that really ruined a little bit of the movie for me.

Last edited by Nippelspanner; 10-15-15 at 04:45 PM.
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