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Old 10-04-15, 08:40 AM   #2743
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Originally Posted by vdr1981 View Post
Yes...Like I sail in FAQ and tips, some damage will not be repairable without dry dock in your home base. To understand more about damage modeling in modded SH5 and Wolves megamod you should check changelog of this mod...
yep read the whole thing, I guess it just feels a little too much like a spectator when there's nothing you can actually do with the whole damage screen anyway. But ah well


For example, when I disable BS command with "ladder" icon, crew will always put guns in neutral position, and I use this command exclusively for that...

Right now, I'm experimenting with new modified Specialabilities.upc file and form next update, effects of certain commands and crew states will be much more obvious, with both positive and negative effects on submarine performance (repair speed, torp/gun loading times, moral/fatigue, CO2 build up, hydrophone response, noise signature ect )
1) did not know that, thanks!
2) that sounds awesome!

Then, maintain certain depth becomes much more difficult to impossible...
In this situation your goal should be to maintain any possible depth until damage is fixed (if possible) and that's where your propulsion, compressed air and manual diveplanes controls will become really useful.
yes but the one time I actually needed it when i was flooded, my compressed air was expended by my Chief and I could not get him to stop. seemed like he wasted all my air trying to get 1 meter higher or something. using manual diveplanes did nothing, it reset itself after a couple seconds.

at the moment I am being hunted by 2 escorts in 140 meters deep water.
my depth is 91 while I ordered 120
ahead 1/3 gives me 0,05 knots which makes my boat slowly drift upwards. no idea why I have no speed. battery is full and no damage.
so i am completely puzzled by the whole thing. (my frame of reference is SH3 GWX and there it was straight-forward. slow speed = slow depth changing)
but here I can't even get my boat to settle at 120 meters at all....
while typing this we drifted up to 87 meters... is there a manual on depth-keeping somewhere?
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